ATIS' Next G Alliance and 6G Forum Korea Joint Workshop

Next-G Alliance (NGA) from ATIS, North America and 6G Forum (previously 5G Forum) held a joint workshop earlier this month. Unfortunately I can't find the website for this so the only information available is the video from the two days which is embedded below:

  • DAY 1
    • 00:00 Opening and Introductions
    • 6:03 Introduction to Next G Alliance
    • 12:05 Introduction to 6G Forum Korea
    • 21:05 Korea’s 6G R&D Strategy and Project Progress 
    • 52:37 U.S. Government Perspective and Approach to 6G R&D 
    • 01:31:20 6G Standardization in TTA
    • 01:55:40 6G in 3GPP: Initial Discussion
    • 2:23:32 Open RAN and Network Sharing 
    • 2:38:45 6G and Open RAN 
    • 2:49:20 Spectrum Status and Issues in Korea
    • 3:11:50 6G Spectrum Needs and Innovation
  • DAY 2
    • 00:00 North American Views on 6G Vertical Industries: Some Use Cases and Recommendations 
    • 26:13 Near-Future Vertical Applications in Korea
    • 53:50 Evolution of Verticals in 6G: Application Examples
    • 1:16:15 Migration from 5G to 6G – Architectural and Deployment Aspects
    • 1:33:20 SK Telecom’s View on 6G Evolution
    • 2:06:17 AI/ML Design and Enablement in 6G
    • 2:25:25 6G Technologies from the Perspective of the National Research Project 
    • 2:44:45 Deterministic and Reliable Networking for 6G Radio Access Networks 
    • 3:01:13 Radio Technologies for New 6G Applications 
    • 3:24:07 Extreme MIMO Technologies for Future Wireless Communications and 6G 
    • 3:50:50 Emerging Wireless Technologies for 6G Cellular Systems
    • 4:09:00 Driving Environmental Sustainability Priorities in 6G within North America 
    • 4:25:50 Societal & Economics Needs Research Priorities 
    • 4:47:28 Future Collaboration
    • 05:07:20 Concluding Remarks

If it's easier, go to video 1 or video 2 on YouTube and then it may be easier to navigate.

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