Next G Alliance (NGA) Report on '6G Roadmap for Vertical Industries'

ATIS' Next G Alliance (NGA) released a comprehensive report some months back that dives into the demand side of the ecosystem, exploring eight industry verticals and their expectations for 6G technology. Quoting the verticals from the paper

  • Agriculture: Representing over 5% of the economy of each of Canada and the U.S., the agriculture sector can benefit from advances in computing technologies and energy-efficient wireless IoT sensors to improve sustainability, increase efficiency, and streamline logistic operations.
  • Automotive: Connected car developments are likely to unleash innovation and commercial opportunities that touch everyday living on a scale that compares with the arrival of the smartphone ecosystem and technologies.
  • Education, Gaming, and Entertainment: Individually, the education, gaming and entertainment sectors are large markets that contribute significant value to the North American economy. Advances in 6G communications and immersive technologies will fuel continuing growth of these sectors as they leverage a common set of technologies and applications.
  • eHealth: Representing 15-20% of Canada’s and the U.S. gross domestic product (GDP), the health sector is a significant opportunity for connecting the promise of 6G to the societal needs, economic interests, and strong policy goals of North America.
  • Industrial: The importance of Industrial IoT (IIoT) (which is the pillar of the 4th Industrial Revolution) is in extending IoT concepts to address larger economic opportunities by linking communications, information, and operational technologies.
  • Mining: Mining is a significant North American industry, supplying resources for other sectors of the economy in addition to being a major contributor to economic and employment activity.
  • Public Safety: Public safety use cases offer an obvious avenue for use of commercial off-theshelf (COTS) technologies that can bring essential societal needs into the broadband era, including those benefits offered by 6G in a variety of areas like immersive communications, robotics and sensors for crime prevention and enforcement, for emergency services and rescue, and for disaster relief.
  • Smart Cities: Cities have a variety and interdependency of architectures involving many aspects, such as supplying energy, transportation, water, public health, and other services. A critical aspect of interdependency stems from the data associated with each infrastructure. 6G provides an opportunity for synergizing these aspects to increase efficiency and optimize productivity.

Quoting from download page:

From agriculture to smart cities, we investigate the issues, opportunities, and applications that 6G presents for various sectors. Designed to inform entrepreneurs, academic and vertical industry organizations, as well as government agencies and policymakers, the 6G Roadmap for Vertical Industries highlights promising 6G opportunities and their dependencies on technological advancements. With a special emphasis on North American government, the aim is to cultivate cross-sectoral partnerships and drive forward the goals established by NGA membership. Discover how the future of 6G will shape industries and society at large, and join us as we pave the way towards a connected and innovative future.

You can download the paper from here.

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