6G Waves Magazine

If you haven't seen one, 6G Flagship publishes 6G Waves magazine, twice a year. The latest issue description says:

The 6G Flagship research program at the University of Oulu has released a new issue of its 6G Waves magazine. The first four-year phase of the 6G Flagship is coming to an end, and it is now time to summarize what has happened in 6G research since 2018 and how the coming years appear to be shaping up.

The magazine provides intriguing news about the program’s research and experiments, along with glimpses of future initiatives and upcoming events. This issue introduces the recently released 6G demo videos, showcasing 6G Flagship’s innovation in four domains – 6G radio, 6G optical communication, 6G edge, and 6G verticals – and propelling us quickly into the world of 6G. The demos, and also the proof-of-concept development discussed in the magazine, demonstrate 6G Flagship’s capabilities and determination in developing operational systems early on.

The PDF is available here.

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