A Discussion on SK Telecom's First 6G Whitepaper from Wireless Future Podcast

Prof. Emil Björnson is a Full Professor of Wireless Communication at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden and has featured regularly on our various blogs. In a recent Wireless Future podcast, he along with Prof. Erik G. Larsson discussed the 6G whitepaper from SK Telecom that I blogged about here.

Their discussion covered variety of topics including history of SK Telecom network deployments, 4G use cases, small cells, 5G mmWave rollouts in South Korea, open networks, virtualization, AI/ML, AI native, network optimization, XR, autonomous cars, 3D networks, etc. The video of the discussion is embedded below. If you prefer audio only version, you can get a link of your favourite platform from here.

Happy to hear your thoughts on this podcast as well as the white paper.

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