Videos and Slides from one6G Summit 2022

one6G Summit 2022 gathered 25 international experts from policy, industry, and academia who talked about the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead as we embark on the exciting new journey toward a hyper-connected world. The speakers shared their insights, visions, and roadmaps, covering subjects ranging from 6G spectrum and testbeds to enabling technologies, among other related topics.

The playlist of the videos is embedded below:

The following were the speakers in the conference. Shared presentations are linked with the names below:

Session 1: Global View‘s on 6G

  • Pavlos Fournogerakis (European Commission) [PDF]
  • Hans Schotten (German 6G Platform, TU Kaiserslautern) [PDF]
  • Feifei Lou (NGMN) [PDF]
  • David Boswarthick (ETSI) [PDF]
  • Nigel Jefferies (WWRF) [PDF]
  • Olaf Eckart (5GAA, BMW) [PDF]
  • Adrian Fischer (BnetzA) [PDF]
  • Simon Burley (Ofcom) [PDF]

Session 2: Panel – Will 6G become the fundamental and sustainable infrastructure for verticals?

  • Roberto Verdone (University of Bologna) - Moderator
  • Hans Schotten (German 6G Platform, TU Kaiserslautern)
  • Ying Du (CAICT)
  • Maziar Nekovee (University of Sussex) [PDF]
  • Dirk Wilhelm (Technical University of Munich, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Riccardo Guerzoni (DOCOMO Euro-Labs, Munich)
  • David Boswarthick (ETSI)

Session 3: 6G Testbed/Demo

  • Josef Eichinger (one6G WG4 chair, Huawei Munich Research Center)
  • Ivan Paez (ZettaScale Technology) [PDF]
  • Joerg Widmer (IMDEA Networks) [PDF]
  • Luciano Leonel Mendes (Inatel) [PDF]
  • Mohamed Gharba (Huawei Munich Research Center) [PDF]

Session 4: Enabling technologies

  • Nicolas Chuberre (Thales) [PDF]
  • Geoffrey Ye Li (Imperial College London) [PDF]
  • Giuseppe Caire (TU Berlin) [PDF]
  • Luis Neves (GESI) [PDF]

Session 5: one6G Activities

  • Prof. Nancy Alonistioti (one6G Association chairwoman & NKUA ) [PDF]

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