6G – The Intelligent Network Platform of 2030

Stefan Parkvall is a Senior Expert at Ericsson Research and an IEEE Fellow but he is also well known for some of the 3G/4G/5G books that he has authored along with Erik Dahlman and others. In a recent Digital Futures webinar, he spoke about '6G – The Intelligent Network Platform of 2030'. Quoting from the abstract:

The first release of 5G NR have been successfully standardized by 3GPP and commercial networks are being rolled out around the globe. 5G will continue to evolve for many years to come with the recently completed releases 16 and 17 being the first steps and 5G Advanced around the corner.

In parallel, the research community have begun initial discussions on 6G and wireless communication in 2030 and beyond. At that point, society will have been shaped by 5G for 10 years, and new needs and services will have appeared. Even with the built-in flexibility of 5G, we are beginning to see the horizon where further capabilities are needed.

In this talk, we will discuss fundamental drivers, possible use cases, basic capabilities, and potential key technologies for a future 6G system. Such a system will go beyond connectivity alone and will be a trusted platform for communication and computing, encouraging innovation and serving as the information backbone of society.

The video of the talk is embedded below and the slides are available here.

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