ITRI Taiwan's Vision on Beyond 5G, Towards 6G

At the 6G Symposium Spring 2021 (event presentations available here), Li Fung Chang, Chief Architect, 5G Program Office at Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) presented their B5G activities and the exploratory work they have done for 6G.

The current approach for B5G is to focus on AI/ML for network management application and distributed edge computing, mainly for manufacturing applications but not excluding others.

Another area of focus is Open RAN due to its approach of opening up interfaces and enabling AI/ML for network management automation and automated deployments. 

Some of the B5G applications that are being worked on include:

  • Drone Racing
  • Drones for disaster recovery - rescue and first responder services
  • Smart Manufacturing : 5G+AI+AOI, digital twin, etc.
  • Smart Hospital - location tracking, Tele-medicine, AR assisted medical services, etc.

The talk is embedded below but I recommend that you register and watch all the recordings here.

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